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Offers for universities and independent groups

We are happy to offer information sessions for universities and other groups in which we present the programme, our aims as well as the methods of the Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt. We invite you to visit the group exhibition or our seminar rooms in Berlin Lichtenberg. For those interested you can also invite us to come and present our project on site.
We offer exemplary workshops on course-specific content such as portfolio design or application information. All workshops are led by the Goldrausch team, sometimes in cooperation with external experts. Our aim is to convey topics and methods in a way that they are both sustainable and individually applicable.
In addition, we engage in expert talks and discussions on topics such as professionalisation and women artists and provide our expertise as jurors in selection committees.
We look forward to hearing from you. You can reach us by emailing Hannah Kruse.

Example: Workshop on the conception and design of application portfolios

Tips for informative, budget-friendly and always adaptable artist portfolios. You can bring your own application portfolio, if you have one, to the workshop. One day, 10–14 h.