Kerstin Honeit, 2011
Looking back, participating in the Goldrausch project for women artists 2011 was like getting a ‘goody bag’ filled with the perfect ingredients. The many practical and theoretical ‘goods’ that I took with me during the Goldrausch year have meanwhile become trusted ‘tools’ in my daily work as an artist. But to me the best thing about the Goldrausch goody bag is being part of this unique network of so many brilliant artists.
Anja Pentrop, 2011
Through the other Goldrausch artists and the project managers I gained a new vocabulary for my works and an awareness of new interpretations. I’ve become braver, use a broader range of artistic materials, and my technical know-how has been greatly enhanced. Art is still my primary means of support. It was very good to learn how multifaceted and diverse the career paths of visual artists can be. Because art doesn’t have to be unprofitable. I wouldn’t want to do without the network that developed through Goldrausch.
Farida Heuck, 2004
Goldrausch was very important for my self-conception as an artist. My artistic career was going through a transition phase when I participated in the Goldrausch programme. The cohesive group in which I’d done all my previous work was in the process of dissolving. The prospect of realizing projects alone was a particular challenge for me. Through my participation, I gained the self-confidence to initiate projects independently, to carry them out, and to assert my own position as an artist.
Christine Woditschka, 2006
For me, the Goldrausch year was an absolute benefit: I’ve continued to collaborate with one of the women in my course since we got to know each other at Goldrausch. And it’s often nice to meet other ex-Goldrausch women – the experiences from that intensive year create extraordinary bonds. Obviously the course is time-consuming, but I always felt it was like having “fixed” office hours in which recurring things like compiling a portfolio, designing a website and so forth could be worked on, and moreover within a shared professional and collegial framework.
Friederike Feldmann, 1996/97
When does one get the opportunity to get to know 15 women artists (counting myself in), their attitudes and viewpoints, and then also be able to experience – through mutual discussions during the course of the year – how these positions change and become more precisely defined? That was the most important experience for me.